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The first step in placing your order is filling out the form below;
this will reserves your spot in line for 48 hours.
Ellie K. ATUs are designer-built with limited yearly production;
lead times vary. 
How do you prefer to be reached?
Do you have 50% of sale price to place your order now?
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Check all that you wish to include
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 Accessory Trailer Units can be certified by the National Association of Alternative Housing (NOAH Certified) if requested, but are not classified  as "real estate" and therefore do not go through the permitting process, do not include land and are not built or sold with any implication from Paradise Tiny Homes LLC or their associates or representatives of where they should or can be legally owned, parked, stored, or how they can or should be legally used. Paradise Tiny Homes does not construct ATUs for use as a primary dwelling; please acknowledge that the purchasing of these ATUs should be for recreational use or artistic enjoyment only. Any land options shared are entirely and exclusively for networking purposes. We encourage all to read up on what their local county zoning permits and check CC&Rs and HOAs for any any language against parking a trailer or RV in the area they intend to store an Accessory Trailer Unit.    
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